Friday, January 8, 2010

Quick Blips

A mod stated that while non-subbed players in HI:LOTE will not be able to trade for horses, they might be able to buy horses off of autosale.

Players will be randomly selected to beta test, which should be starting soon.
EDIT: beta testing selections have been made, around the player's qp amount.  From Pinto Server, at least one player (Book) has been chosen.

REPLY: (by Joe) Jan 1 2010 4:39pm
Esrohs are an iridescent black along with varying mane colors around reds and purples. Nothing girly about that :)
In fact legends speak of no less than 12 of them :)

Yes, the Esroh quests should be the most involved in the world, but there will still be MANY small quests. and Hundreds of minigame quests, etc. There will be no shortage of smaller things to complete.

I better stop talking now, before I give too much away. I was going to post a news item in a few days with the HI2 improvements.

REPLY: (by Joe) Jan 6 2010 1:35pm
Thanks for your notes all, Gonna stop this topic just because it's not going to get reviewed anymore. Here's some final clarifications:

#1) Subs will be easier to sell and trade for in HI2 than HI1, they will be traded in-game so no "trusting" will be required. So if anything, it should be easier to buy a sub using game money for those who have more time, and less real world money.

#2) HI1 Will not be going anywhere or changing at all, Unless a server gets near empty, then we may find ways to combine some servers. but that's a ways down the road.

#3) Most of you will probably never even FIND an Esroh :) So don't fret about them looking too "Girly" for you.. (Although last time i Checked Red and Black Were pretty cool colors...) :)

#4) HI2 Beta, at least to start, will be invite only. We'll select randomly from players that have completely most of hi1 quests and bring a few in to help test the current mess :) If all goes well, Game may go live in a few months.


Global chat, DesertPaint: Servers will be networked, and each server can hold up to 500 players....

more to come...

About this Blog

Hey guys. ^^
My name is Ibis, I currently play Pinto Server on Horse Isle.  You can view my fansite for Horse Isle (also known as HI1, HI v.1, HI:SLOH) here.  This blog will be my way of tracking the progress and start of HI2 (also called HI:LOTE, Horse Isle: Land of the Esroh).  All things going well, this may eventually turn into a more organized website on, but for now guides, lists, etc. will be in blog post form.

To view the new HI2 site: click here.
To view the movie for HI2: click here.
To view Jenny's deviantart account: click here.  Sometimes she gives little blips about HI2.
To view the Admin-created forum topics for HI2: click here.

Horse Isle 2 News Updates

You can view all HI news (on the site) here.  You will need to log in to view anything but the front page.

[ January 3, 2010 ] Horse Isle: Legend of the Esrohs Improvements:
    HI2 (LOTE) is not playable for months yet, but here are some of the improvements we've made from HI1 (SLOH).

1) Everyone plays in the same world -- (Hopefully)
2) More horse detail both technical and graphic:

  • Breeds are being redrawn in higher resolution, quality. It displays larger on the screen.

  • Each breed can have unique colorings. This allows for more exact and additional colorings for each breed. (Some have over 40 colorings!)

  • A stallion has a different mane than a mare.

  • 5,000+ unique combinations of markings for each coloring of most breeds.

  • Billions of unique genetic stat variations off a single same breed.

  • 100,000 different possible personality combinations for each horse.

  • All combine to make your horse a completely unique individual, just like a real horse, no two will be exactly alike.

  • 4) Scalable client (You will be able to make it bigger/smaller.)
    5) Several times more original music composed. Different areas/terrain have different soundtracks.
    6) Larger, completely new world to explore.
    7) 8 all new Arenas, more stat based up to 8 players in all, with 4 levels of competition.
    8) Safer trading system.
  • Players may buy themselves Subscription or Horse tokens, which they can then trade.

  • Trading is allowed with a non-subscriber if the trade includes a subscription token.

  • That's enough for now :)
    -Joe and Miranda

    Here's the Background story for LOTE for those that haven't seen it yet:

    [ January 1, 2010 ] Happy New Year 2010!:
        Thanks to all of our dedicated and patient players! Horse Isle 1 is technically called Horse Isle:The Secret Land of Horses. Horse Isle 2 is called Horse Isle: Legend of the Esrohs. (HI:SLOH and HI:LOTE for short). Now, what is an Esroh? Horse Isle 2 will contain an over arching background story, a Main Quest. HI:LOTE will not be live for several months yet, however, we would like to share the background story movie for HI:LOTE. We hope you enjoy! 

    [ December 14, 2009 ] Horse Isle 2 Issues:
        Hey all. We've decided to focus on some HI1 updates for December. It's also become apparent that HI2 will not replace HI1. It's much more of a different game than a sequel. Originally I had thought it could just swoop in and replace much of HI1, but here I will list some of what players may find troublesome with HI2.

  • Subscription moving - I had mentioned this as a possibility nearly a year ago before realizing how different of a system this new game is, and also before realizing how long it would take to release. While we may still consider moving subscriptions that have over 10 months remaining or so. We will not be able to move monthly subs etc.

  • Computer Speed - HI2 Is running slower than I hoped. The graphics, etc. require a faster computer than HI1. Dialup also will almost certainly not work with HI2.

  • Chat Filter - HI2 will have a growing dictionary of valid words that may be spoken, as opposed to a list of words blocked. What this means is no one can get around the chat filter, but it also means players will have to spell correctly for their chats to be accepted :) Which, for some, may be annoying.

  • No Global Chat - HI2 will feel a little more isolated. More players will be within the same game world, but there will no longer be global communication.

  • Unsubscribers Limited - HI2 will limit non-subscribers from interacting with other players in any way which would allow value to transfer. This is to prevent multiple-account cheating completely, but it also blocks trading/auctioning/etc between non-subscribers.

  • Less Charming? - I look back at the little pixel graphics of HI1 and sometimes wonder if HI2's more realistic 2d graphics will be appreciated...

  • So, these are some of the major trouble points some may have with HI2. Now, there are also hundreds of improvements and upgrades over HI1, but I thought it would be good to get these sticking points out of the way first.
    January we will be running a closed beta, where we will randomly offer HI1 players to log onto HI2. After a few months, HI2 should hopefully, finally be live. In the meantime though, look for some HI1 updates soon!


    [ November 3, 2009 ] Game Update:
        As you have probably noticed, we are not updating as frequently or adding as much stuff with each update. We are working very hard on Horse Isle 2 and trying to get that ready to go live. Hopefully that will be worth the wait and lack of additional content on HI1.

    6 New Quests
    Several typo and bug fixes.
    -Joe and Miranda

    [ March 14, 2009 ] Horse Isle 2 Horse Photo Contest Results:
        Thanks for all the wonderful horse photos! We received many great photos and it was hard to narrow it down. We chose horses based on the quality of the photo, whether our rules were followed and the creativity and uniqueness of the picture. Please remember that just because your photo wasn't chosen does not mean that we didn't like your horse or didn't think it was pretty, so please do not be offended.
    Here is a list of the players whose photo we chose.

    PINTO: Fivaldi,Roxxane,Azera,Neighbeats,EquineRyder,Myponypook
    ROAN: Ciscosgirl,ChelseaDad,MillionMare,SterlingTack,Swiftpony
    PALOMINO: DesertPaint,DesertMorn,FillyFun,Edison,BreezyBabeKay,CrownDogs,Melsitz,EquineAcres,Arem,WalkingAsia
    BAY: DixieGirl,Washu,AppleJuice,Elafacwen
    DUN: DyreWolf,TammaPieni,WranglerGal,Original,RanchyCowgirl
    GREY: Enigma,DarkMoonMare,BigBagOfSkittles,ClassyRider,Koekay,SwiperAttacker
    CREMELLO: Twetter,TalentSky,Scottyrox,Wanderer,MaymayCares,Myguyom
    WHITE: FeelingFroggy,Jahlad
    BROWN: Nuova,Skystreak,Lrwhorse,PaintJustice,Eidyia

    Thanks again for all the great photos! These will be great for the puzzle mini-games in HI2.
    -Joe and Miranda

    (A previous news post was released asking players to submit pictures of their horses for a HI2 minigame)

    [ December 24, 2008 ] Update Note on Horse Isle 2:
        We are a long ways off from releasing Horse Isle 2 yet. Everything is taking longer than hoped. Timeframe looks to be another 6 months minimum up to another year. But just so you know we are working hard on many aspects of the new game. Many of which should be improvements. Recently finished work on a HI2 reining and barrel racing arena.
    Thanks for your patience!
    -Joe and Miranda

    [ May 4, 2008 ] Happy Horse Isle Birthday!:
        As of today, Horse Isle has been live for exactly one year. We want to thank everyone for making it a fun and successful game. We never expected this much enthusiasm, and so the initial design of Horse Isle was rather limiting. Since January, I (Joe), have been working full time on Horse Isle 2. This will not be ready for at least another year. We absolutely cannot answer any questions about the new game, So the information provided here will be it until another update made here months from now.
    Features of HI2:

  • All players will play in the same "world".

  • Will retain 2D but completely different look.

  • HI1 subscriptions to optionally transfer to HI2, and HI1 will remain online after HI2 release until no longer popular.

  • Many general enhancements from HI1's limitations.

  • Again, we cannot share any more information about this project, and questions will be ignored, Until such time as we make further announcements. We just wanted to share the fact that your support is fully going towards development of a hopefully even "better" horse based world!
    With extreme gratitude! -Joe and Miranda